NEW HOPES that Resurrection of Jesus Christ brings in your lives

Dr. Sanoop Kumar Sherin Sabu

Many people wonder what is so big in the resurrection. What’s the meaning of Easter festival. The sole meaning of the birth of Jesus Christ is His Resurrection is  the Hope we have through his resurrection.

Some of these hope that we enjoy through the Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ are:

  1. Hope of Love

His resurrection proves Gods Love for you and me is everlasting, unchanging and you are the apple of His eye. This hope enables us live a contented life even in midst of troubles of  life..

(Jeremiah 31 .3)

2. Hope that Our sins and trespasses are forgiven

You may be held back by the hard feel of sins and your trespasses. Your sins, mistakes and curses may be felt unforgiveable for you. But Jesus Christ was handed over to death for your trespasses and He was raised from death for your justification. Your sins were laid on Him and when you believe this fact you will live free of guilt of sins. You willbegin to enjoy the fell of fullness and happiness within you.

(Romans 4:25)

3. Hope that the presence of the Holy Spirit  dwells within us

As Jesus Christ was resurrected up His spirit was put in all who believes in Him and walks in His ways to guide them in their daily life to keep them   free from sins this filthy world and live righteous. This Spirit will guide you and help you live righteous and happy.

(John 16:7, John 14:26)

4. Hope that God will always do His Perfect will in our Life

Crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ was the perfect will of God on Him. This gives us the hope that The Lord will fulfil His purpose for you.

God has a plan for our life. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.   God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

(Psalms 138. 8 , Jeremiah 29.11, Romans 8.28 )

5. Hope of existence of a life beyond death

The fear of death is the biggest mystery which dawns most people on earth. But Jesus Christ said “ I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, even though he is dead, yet shall he live. And whosoever lives and believe in me shall never die”

The resurrection of Jesus Christ takes away the fear of death in your life and you will begin to live fearless.

(John  11.25)

6. Hope that we have a mansion beyond Earth

As conquer the fear of death through the resurrection of Jesus Christ you  also have  a Hope of the existence of a Kingdom of heaven beyond death.  

(John 18:36)

Let this Easter day or Resurrection day bring new hopes in your life ahead. Remain with hopes, happiness, filled heart and enjoy His Grace.  Live a life and not spoil it with fear of death and sins. 
Give all your worries, guilt and hopelessness to Jesus Christ and enjoy His perfect plans and will for your life. 

Message Adapted from

Resurrection Day Service

Shekinah Garden Church Erode, TN 09-04-2023

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